This site is still under construction and will be for a while. Sorries.
NEW SHOP LOCATION! 4 Bayle Court in South Qeynos. (I'll update the flash banner when I get a chance)
Shop is usually open late nights EST. Feel free to come by and peek around or use the crafting workshop in the basement. Crude & Pristine tables.
Most links are not working correctly yet. I was going to build a furniture and housing site with a fashion section on clothing but I need to learn php to do it right. But their are some really great furniture sites. and
Right now the only sections I will be updating is the Live Events Section titled Asventures.
Working Links:
Beds (I'm still working on a format to show furniture previews.
Adventures (This is the Live Events page. Documenting EQ2 history as it comes in. Some are missing but will get added)
Guides (Just maps for Jboots quest for testing)
This site shows up correctly in internet explorer. I'm working on to make sure it shows up correctly in Opera & Firefox. I fixed the frames so they should show up correctly now in all browsers.
I'm still learning how to write html code and looks like I will need to learn php aswell =Doing my best. -Littlelisa